Friday, March 4, 2011

Just things

Ok so, it's been awhile and I am long over due to ramble on about my uber busy life. I'm getting everything done I need to, to start school in August and hopefully I get in because I'm going crazy. I don't know how some people can be so ungrateful and bitchy. You do something to try and make them happy and they still bitch about what you did because it wasn't what they wanted but, you don't see them trying to do it. They just want to stand around and make everyone around them miserable. Mission accomplished. On a good note I'm going to another book signing today and am super excited. This month I'm trying to stay busy. On 4/11/11 my granpa will have been gone for a year. Time sure is flying seems like just last week we had his funeral. I miss him a bunch and have to say think this year has been by fr my worst year but I am keeping my head up and looking forward. In my spare time when I have nothing to do I LOVE to read. I could read forever if everyone would let me. Well speaking of reading I need to quit blabbering and go and get ready to go get a new book! Peace out